Dream Come True

For my final project I had to create a collage based on a dream, altering the scale and proportion of objects from the dream and placing them in an illusionistic space to give your composition a surreal feeling. Earlier I posted about a dream (Dream Scenery)  I had that I created and will be sharing in this post.

Dream Recap:

I was in my house with my boyfriend and helicopters and planes flew over so we hid while they shot up the house. After they had flown over I walked into the kitchen where rays of light shown through the bullet holes in the ceiling. Kyle was standing by the island in the middle of the kitchen and seemed to be okay. He informed me that the dog had been hit. At that moment I look out the sliding door where the sky had the look of war and our black dog was coming inside. He was huge. When he got hit the bullets did not kill him, but instead made him grow really big and he was sad that he grew so big. I tried cheering him up by grabbing his paws, placing them on my shoulders, and giving him a hug. He was still sad. He then made his way to the trash can and tried to crawl in. I was reassuring him that we loved him very much no matter how big he was when I woke up.


Dream Come True

This is the closest I could get to recreating the dream that I had. Online I found a kitchen, dog and a sky that looked somewhat like war and put them together. I drew in the rest on the floor, dog , wall and ceiling. I also drew a screen door opened and planes and a helicopter in the sky. The “light” shining through the ceiling is tracing paper cut out so it is see-through.

I hope you enjoy looking at my dream as much as I did creating it!